Monday, July 20, 2009

A New Home

Yesterday myself and the family attended a new church. It was nice to be back in the presence of the Lord and praise Him. We had been attending a nice, nondenominational church filled with very nice people, but we didn't like having to take a 15 minute drive down the highway to get there. For anyone who knows me, I'm always running late so the drive didn't help. BTW, I think it's a legitimate OCD issue with my chronic lateness... yeah, no else believes me either! LOL! Anyhow.... We thought that something in our own neighborhood would be better for us. So far it has been good. The kids are also attending VBS this week and the first night was a success! I had hoped there would be more kids that they already know, but there is always room to make more friends! I'm excited for them and the new experiences ahead of them.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Livin' My Life

Hello and welcome to The O'Connor Family blog. I'm new at this, but I think it'll be fun! As you may have noticed, I'm married with 3 children. We have Sage who is 11, Raiden is 8 and Kaitlan is 9 months old. I'm a stay at home mom now and I love it! It gives me the opportunity to be more involved in my kids lives without as many distractions. I was so missing the little things like picking the kids up from school and being able to go to school functions with them. Before I quit, I was a receptionist for a hose & pipe retail company. Out of respect for the company, I won't name any names, but let's just say it wasn't working out for me anymore. I was there for over 4 years, though and loved it most of the time. Before that I was a bartender/asst. manager at a restaraunt. Some really great Mexican food there. Sometimes I do miss working there, but it just wasn't worth it, either. My husband is a mechanic at a company that rebuilds aviation firetrucks. He's been there for 10 1/2 yrs, but doesn't get the recognition he deserves in my opinion. Which I know that means squat to them! He says he'd like to try to be a fireman, but hasn't done anything about it yet. I guess it's kind of hard when you've been with the same company for so long. Anywho... we're just a normal, happy family with our share of mishaps & fallouts like most everyone else, but we're making it! I believe that together we can do anything. Till next time...